- Clomid 50mg CD3-5
- Green tea every day until Ovulation
- Vitamin B6 every day.
- Robitussin from CD 10 until Ovulation
- BD every other day until fertile CM is highly present. Than BD every day until 4 days past peak.
- Follicle Monitoring via ultrasound on CD 10, 12 & 14 than one post ovulation. (To ensure ovulation has truly occurred.
So far I have had two of my follicle scans. They seem to be growing, but some that were big to start with have slowed a bit, others have caught up. So far I have 3 larger follicles that look like making it to Ovulation. But we will see what the next scan shows.
I have been getting a little frustrated. I have not been showing much sign of fertile CM. I really thought I would have a lot more by now, especially with the green tea & Robitussin. Time will tell.